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Opportunities for Directors

We are looking for a director to direct our first show of the 25/26 season, Having Hope at Home by David S. Craig.  The show will open toward the end of November and rehearsals start the beginning of September at the Village Community Centre, 22 Sherwood Rd., West, Ajax. It would be beneficial if you have a Stage Manager that would work with you.  If so, please identify that person in your email.   Hard copy scripts are available for loan.  If interested in applying, please email info@ajaxcommunitytheatre.com with your resume by January 31st.  We will contact directors we wish to interview shortly after that date.


We are also looking for play suggestions for our third play of the 25/26 season which would run early May, 2026 and would be directed by the submitter.  We are looking for a well-known play that would have broad appeal and a minimum of 6 characters.  It would be beneficial if you have a Stage Manager that would work with you.  If so, please identify that person in your email.   If interested, please submit one or two play suggestions with your resume to info@ajaxcommunitytheatre.com by January 31st.   We will contact directors we wish to interview shortly after that date.


ACT is looking for a Publicist

If you are interested in this position, please email us at info@ajaxcommunitytheatre.com


We have a new mailing address


2 – 835 Westney Rd S. Box 222 Ajax, ON  L1S 3M4


Note this is not the address where we perform